The National Coordinator for the Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning in Slovakia 2024 - 2025
Lifelong Learning Unit
Mgr. Ľubica Gállová Tel: 0910 925 089 | Mgr. Lucia Bieliková Tel: 0910 925 089 |
The National Coordinator for the implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning in Slovakia is part of a European network initiated by the European Commission to strengthen effective cooperation between all relevant partners in the field of adult education in each of the Member States, as well as to set coherent policies to reduce the number of low-skilled people and to promote their participation in education. The coordinators are working on various activities in the field, involving a wide network of stakeholders and sharing examples of good practice from both home and abroad.
The activities of the National Coordinator are a continuation of the activities implemented by the State Vocational Education Institute since 2018. The current project is being implemented by the Lifelong Learning Unit from 1 January 2024. In accordance with the Lifelong Learning and Guidance Strategy 2021 - 2030, its main objective is to support the development of adult skills in Slovakia in national skills policies, stakeholder cooperation and actions.
Adult participation in learning is generally low in Slovakia (except for an increase recorded in 2023). The results on long-term unemployment of the low-skilled, which is most pronounced in lower-educated groups, are not optimistic either. According to international measurements, more than a quarter of adults have no or only basic digital skills. Despite their importance for the individual, the state and the labour market, basic skills and skills for life (and their providers) are not given sufficient attention.
It is to these realities that the project responds through specific objectives and activities:
- Raising awareness and knowledge of European and national policies, measures and instruments in the field of adult learning
- Creation of an online catalogue of strategic documents in adult education
- Cooperation with key stakeholders
- Organising a series of regional seminars and round tables in Slovakia
- Promoting networking, mutual learning and creating opportunities for exchange on issues of common interest in the field of adult learning
- Formulating a national commitment in the framework of building a Pact for Adult Basic Skills in Slovakia
- Networking key actors active in the field of basic skills development
- Organising study visits abroad for adult education professionals at regional and national level
- Promoting the importance and benefits of adult learning to the general public
- Organising an awareness-raising campaign through videos promoting non-traditional and inspiring adult learning spaces
- Promote evidence-based policy making in adult education
- Mapping and promoting innovative adult learning spaces
One of the main activities of the National Coordinator is the awarding of the prestigious Award of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic for the Development of Lifelong Learning
The Lifelong Learning Unit is implementing a project called National Coordinator for the implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning in Slovakia 2024 - 2025 with the financial support of the European Commission / ERASMUS-EDU-2023-AL-AGENDA-IBA in the period from 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2025. Project number: NC AL SK 2024-2025.
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