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National Coordination Point for the EQF

Contact: Department of Lifelong Learning
Head of Department Mgr. Ľubica Gállová
Email: lubica.gallova@siov.sk
Tel: 0911 469 793

Európsky kvalifikačný rámec (EQF) for lifelong learning is a common European instrument to support the recognition of learning outcomes and the mobility of individuals across Europe. It was adopted in 2008 as a tool to increase the transparency of qualifications Odporúčaním Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2008/C 111/01/ES, updated in 2017 Odporúčaním Európskeho parlamentu a Rady (2017/C 189/03).

The State Institute of Vocational Training was designated as the National Focal Point in February 2014. The main tasks of the NKB are:

Coordination of the preparation of documents related to the development and implementation of the Slovak Qualifications Framework (SQF) at different stages of its introduction,

Ensuring transparency of all processes in the development and implementation of the SKKR,

collaborating on the development of the National Qualifications Framework,
working together to create the conditions for the recognition of qualifications (validation of non-formal and informal learning),

Working together to strengthen the use and definition of learning outcomes for the JQF and the description of qualifications, the development of curricula and similar documents,

making recommendations on the recognition of education and qualifications and on vocational education and training (VET) and lifelong learning (LLL),

Cooperation in the development of related legal norms in the field of CŽV, the National Qualifications Framework and the SKKR,

informing and strengthening the understanding of the SKKR among the professional and general public in the Slovak Republic and abroad.

cooperation in strengthening the position, functions and provision of VET and CŽV in the Slovak Republic,

Cooperation on linking the SKKR to other European initiatives and instruments (in particular ECVET and EQAVET),

 informing the European Commission on the status of the implementation of the SCCR in its different phases,

Participation in the EC Advisory Group on the European Qualifications Framework and close cooperation with the EC, Cedefop, Member States and other institutions and organisations in the implementation of the EQF and the EQF,

cooperation with state and public authorities, social partners, employers, trade unions, students and other stakeholders,

establishing relations and cooperation with social partners represented by representatives of public administrations, employers, trade unions, students and other stakeholders,

drafting opinions, providing methodological guidance and advice on the SCCR,

providing a link to the Lifelong Learning Information System.

In October 2017, the NQF, in cooperation with the Department of Lifelong Learning of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic, completed the first stage of the alignment process of the Slovak Qualifications Framework to the European Qualifications Framework by submitting Priraďovacej správy to the European Commission, and its endorsement by the EQF Advisory Group.

In 2018-2020, the European Policy Department (EPD) is implementing the project National Europass centre + European Qualifications Framework 2018-2020 with the support of the European Commission, project number: VS/2018/0265; as well as the project Databases and registers for qualifications (EQF-NCPs), project number: VS/2018/0188.

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