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National Project Dual Education

Dual education is a system of vocational education and training that provides the knowledge, skills and competences needed for a profession. It is characterised in particular by a close link between general and vocational theoretical education in a vocational secondary school and practical training with a specific employer.

Operational Programme: 312000 – Operačný program Ľudské zdroje
Implementor State Vocational Education Institute
Name of the project Duálne vzdelávanie a zvýšenie atraktivity a kvality OVP
Call code OPLZ-PO1/2016/NP/1.2.1-01
ITMS code 312011C789
Place of realization celé územie SR
length of realisation 01/2016 – 09/2021
Total eligible project expenditure 31 711 257,73 € 

„Príspevok na zabezpečenie praktického vyučovania“ za školský rok 2023/2024

The dual education system is unique in that it creates a partnership relationship between employer and student, which is defined in the form of an apprenticeship contract that regulates the rights and obligations of the parties in relation to the student's practical training. Another important aspect of the dual education system is the relationship between the employer and the school, concluded on a contractual basis in the form of a dual education contract, which regulates in particular the scope, conditions and coordination of the pupil's vocational training with the apprenticeship contract, i.e. the coordination of the pupil's theoretical and practical training. The employer is responsible for the entire practical training and bears all the costs associated with its implementation.

The main objective of the national project was the widespread implementation of the dual education system in all appropriate teaching and study fields, deepening the link between employer - secondary school - student within the dual education system, creating a unified information environment for the dual education system and the computerization of implementation processes, increasing the attractiveness and quality of VET and preparing instructors, masters and teachers to perform the above tasks. The primary criterion for the selection of secondary vocational schools is the selection of schools entering the dual education system. The selection of newly created or upgraded apprenticeship courses is subject to the involvement of the course or apprenticeship in the dual education system.

Method of implementation

The project Dual education and increasing the attractiveness and quality of VET was implemented through the following activities:

Activity 1: Involvement of trade unions and professional organisations in the process of ongoing transformation of VET and building a cooperative platform of cooperation of partners involved in the dual education system, education and training of instructors.

The focus of the activity was the development and deepening of cooperation between professional and trade union organisations in accordance with the relevant provisions of Act No. 61/2015 Coll. Therefore, it was necessary to deepen the cooperation with the trade unions and professional organisations as well as with the Employers' Council for the dual education system; to involve the trade unions and professional organisations in the process of transformation of vocational education and training, to introduce a unified coordination of the dual education system by the employers and a unified approach of the employers to the education system and the network of schools entering the dual education system.

Activity 2: Updating and verification of labour market needs, transformation of professions and occupations into apprenticeships and fields of study, continuous analyses of the employment of graduates of all secondary schools in the Slovak Republic

The focus of the activity was to achieve the closest possible link between VET and the needs of the labour market and the requirements of employers by updating the map of the material and territorial scope of employers, developing a proposal for solutions and ways of transferring the requirements of the labour market to the dual education system as a basis for restructuring the system of teaching and study fields. The aim of the activity was to provide, through the creation of a map of the material scope of employers and a converter between profession, occupation and apprenticeship, field of study, a tool as well as information for the adjustment of the performance plans of secondary schools based on the needs of the labour market, as well as the analysis of the employment of graduates of all secondary schools.

Activity 3: Participation in the process of adjusting the performance plans of secondary schools based on their specialization and their involvement in the dual education system, based on the needs of the labour market at the regional level.

The focus of the activity was to prepare the conditions and to implement the process of setting the performance plans of the SEN within the competences of the NP working groups. To develop analyses of possible specialisation of schools with implications for the development of a proposal for the innovation of the school network and to use the outputs of the activity to develop a proposal for changes to the VET funding system and to make the relevant information available on the website.

The activity focused in its part A.3.2. on updating the manual for the procedure for the preparation of the Regulation on determining the number of classes in individual teaching and study disciplines of the first year of secondary schools for the admission procedure in the following school year and in part A.3. .3. for the implementation of the process of setting school performance plans is the coordination of participants in the process of setting and verification of school performance plans, as well as the unification of the procedure for setting them through the update of the manual accepted by all self-governing regions, taking into account and giving preference to the SDV.

Setting performance plans is a complex process that uses data provided by both CVTI and RIS, but their application depends on linking all the data collected and verifying it against labour market needs. For the establishment of performance plans, it was necessary to develop a draft network of vocational secondary schools based on the methodology developed within the RSOV project.

Activity 4: Implementation of the dual education system at the national as well as regional level with the participation of employers

The primary objective of the activity was to introduce the dual education system within 8 regions of the Slovak Republic for all relevant teaching and study fields to support the implementation of Act 61/2015 Coll., updating of study and teaching fields and development or updating of state educational programmes for selected groups of teaching and study fields with the acceptance of the conditions and requirements of the SDV.

Activity 5: Student guidance in the dual education system, preparation and management of secondary and primary schools with a focus on the introduction of secondary dual education

Cieľom tejto aktivity bolo vytvorenie resp. implementácia viacerých prvkov, ktoré sú kľúčové pre efektívne fungovanie SDV školách. Ide o prvky, ktoré priblížili PZ ako aj riadeniu školy k sprevádzaniu žiaka k SDV a vytvoreniu podmienok networkingu medzi SOŠ, ZŠ a zamestnávateľom. Cieľom aktivity bolo vypracovať zásady sprevádzania zamestnávateľa a žiaka pri vstupe do systému duálneho vzdelávania na SOŠ a ZŠ a v centrách OVP. Pre kvalitnú a odbornú implementáciu systému duálneho vzdelávania bolo potrebné splniť ďalší cieľ aktivity a tým je realizácia vzdelávania pedagogických zamestnancov SOŠ a ZŠ.

Activity 6: Electronization of processes supporting the implementation of dual education elements

The aim of the activity was to create a data environment, electronic tools and cooperative-communication infrastructure for processing the agenda of implementation of the elements of the dual education system and to computerize selected administrative processes supporting their transparency, efficiency of processing the agenda of the dual education system, taking into account the implementation of the new model of the secondary school.

Activity 7: Project coordination

The aim of the activity was planned and coordinated project management. Coordination of team leaders and working groups in the implementation of the project objectives and activities, including the project office

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