Všetci vieme, že sa v rámci bezpečnosti seba, svojich blízkych, kolegov, priateľov práve teraz musíme správať veľmi disciplinovane.
Z tohto dôvodu sme Vám aj my, zamestnanci Slovenského centra cvičných firiem, každý deň plne k dispozícii len online, aby sme tak napomohli zamedziť veľmi rýchlemu šíreniu pandémii koronavírusu, ktorý sužuje už celý svet. Slovenská ekonomika sa vďaka nemu môže prepadnúť do recesie.
Práve v tomto čase pripravujeme pre Vás brožúru s názvom „Príklady dobrej praxe absolventov cvičnej firmy“. Bude určená učiteľom a žiakom cvičných firiem, ale aj všetkým, ktorí sa zaujímajú o podnikateľské vzdelávanie a finančnú gramotnosť. Týmto Vás chceme vyzvať, aby ste nám posielali Vaše návrhy, články, námety, ktoré by sme mohli použiť. Bude predsa slúžiť a pomáhať nám všetkým aj v budúcnosti.
Okrem toho Vám dávame do pozornosti možnosť samoštúdia v oblasti finančnej gramotnosti aj na https://zmudri.sk/, v oblasti podnikateľského vzdelávania na https://www.podnikajte.sk/ ale aj na našom web sídle http://www.sccf.sk/, kde v časti Novinky v podnikaní nájdete veľa potrebných informácií a aktuálnych odkazov k podnikaniu.
Práve teraz, keď je skupina podnikateľov ťažko skúšaná, pripravme sa, aby sme vedeli pomôcť a nájsť spoločné riešenia ťaživej situácie po skončení krízy šírenia vírusu. Mnohí živnostníci, či už sú to remeselníci alebo tí, čo poskytujú služby sa obávajú o svoju budúcnosť. Už teraz má veľa firiem problém s platením svojich záväzkov. Týka sa to nás všetkých, a preto sa aj my musíme pripraviť a pomôcť Slovensku tak ako vieme: podporiť ekonomické a právne vedomie žiakov, učiteľov a všetkých, čo chcú pomôcť v tejto oblasti.
Vaše Slovenské centrum cvičných firiem
PS: Pripájame zopár správ zo sveta cvičných firiem, aby ste vedeli, že „je v tom“ celý svet:
- The news are not different from Switzerland. Everything is closed here up tot he 19th of April, and in our region even end of April. As far as I know, most of the PE’s are closed. Some are experiencing the distance job, but mostly on projects. The CO works from home and everything is organized. We work on development projects with all the team that looses a part of their job…. We exect to do something really positive out of this special period that is expecting us. I really hope the planet will lear of this…
- Hello All from USA! Same here with school and business closures along with our team working from home. The vast majority of schools here in the US are now closed or working online (64,000 schools and 32.5 million students). We are doing the best we can to support our PE's however we can.
In addition to guiding the CO, I have also become Mr. Daddy, kindergarten teacher to our son, Theo, as his school is now canceled for the foreseeable future.
- The situation here in France is similar. Schools and education institutions are all closed. All professional activities which are not vital for the survival of the nation have to close. As a central office, we’re organizing to handle everything remotely. We’ll answer all requests coming digitally, but will have limited possibilities to answer the phone. It is of course pushing us to be more digital than ever. We know that most of our Practice Enterprises are now closed or on reduced running, so we know also that most of the pedagogical activities will be in a “standby” mode until everything can be reopened. We wish to all of you to find interesting occupations during this confinement period, and hope to hear from all of you very soon.
- At the Brazilian office we continue to work normally. Public schools will suspend classes, but private schools are still functioning. Events are being suspended and new regulations are due to be announced this week. The contamination in Brazil is still small, but we are following the guidelines of the authorities. We communicate support to all of you.
- First of all I hope this mail finds you well, it's a very bad period but I trust we'll be out soon if everyone contributes. As for Italy schools are closed as you know and we are all in smart working modality actually. Unfortunately, actually, as you can imagine, the request for new agreements and connections decreased a lot so I think it could be useful to think to a common strategy to restart and maybe propose a campaing for recruitment of new schools in order to have new PEs and reconnect the old ones.
- After lots of years behind Iron Curtain, we have now Corona Curtain. Schools are closed and will be probably till end of March. Home office is recommended by government till 24th. For us, decision will be made today, but we all expect our home office will be confirmed. Streets in Prague are unusaly empty.
- For us in the Netherlands we can still do our job as central office, we are quite experienced in working from home so no problem. However since all Dutch schools had to stop teaching in schools and are only allowed to provide distance learning, it will affect the business in our practice enterprises: some will be closed and some will try working remotely. Reply on e-mails, shipment of orders, payments; this all might be postponed. What a weird situation we are all in at the moment!
- In Bulgaria, schools and universities are closed until March 29 (so far). Distance learning starts for students. The Ministry of Health recommended work from home. From today until the further notice, BUCT employees will work from home. Let's wish these hard times are over soon…
- Austria like a lot of other countries is locked down, schools and educational institutions are closed until after Easter Holidays (mid of April), and will be prolonged if necessary. Our PE and trainers will continue working with remote tools, distant learning, video conf. etc but I wonder if trade continues. Our CO is working normally. the situation right now is a learning opportunity for all of us, and I am convinced that students and trainers will improve enormously (incl staff of CO). But most important: health. In Austria, Corona cases are doubling within 2-3 days, so we are not yet on the edge to flatten the curve.
All our best wishes to you