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About ŠIOV

Štátny inštitút odborného vzdelávania (ŠIOV) je priamo riadenou organizáciou Ministerstva školstva, výskumu, vývoja a mládeže Slovenskej republiky, ktorá zodpovedá za koordináciu odborného vzdelávania a prípravy a vzdelávania dospelých na Slovensku. Podporuje rozvoj národných politík v oblasti vzdelávania, pomáha zavádzať nové trendy a inovácie v odbornom vzdelávaní a príprave a vzdelávaní dospelých. Aktivity ŠIOV sa zameriavajú na žiakov, pedagogických aj odborných zamestnancov a potreby zamestnávateľov.

Its main activities are:

  • management and coordination of the national network of vocational education and training schools in Slovakia,
  • developing national education standards (national curricula) and qualifications,
  • analysing trends and needs for the development of vocational education and training and adult education in Slovakia,
  • Supporting the Ministry of Education in the development of VET and adult education policies and strategies,
  • monitoring, analysing and introducing new trends and innovations in vocational education and training and adult education
  • securing, initiating and developing cooperation with national and international institutions, organisations and experts in the field of vocational education and training and adult education,
  • coordination of national competitions and exhibitions.

ŠIOV manages EU initiatives in the field of VET and adult education in Slovakia, namely:

  • National contact point for the European Qualifications Framework,
  • National EUROPASS Centre,
  • National reference point for EQAVET
  • EPALE National Support Service,
  • Národný koordinátor Európskeho programu vzdelávania dospelých,
  • National Qualifications Framework,
  • Slovak Centre of Training Companies,
  • EuroSkills National Contact Point,

ŠIOV is a member of the European Basic Skills Network (EBSN), the European Forum for Vocational Education and Training (EfVET), EUROPEN, the Association of Adult Education Institutions in Slovakia, the European Association for Adult Education (EAEA). It is part of the European network Cedefop ReferNet, which monitors the quality and research of VET in the European environment. ŠIOV employees are members of various advisory bodies and working groups at the EU and other institutes, e.g.:

  • Working Group on the Strategic Framework for the European Adult Learning Area (European Commission),
  • European Qualifications Framework Advisory Group (European Commission),
  • Group of National Experts on Vocational Education and Training (OECD),
  • Accreditation Commission of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport for Further Education,
  • Erasmus+ National Team of Experts for Vocational Education and Training.

It implements the National Project "QUALIFICATION VERIFICATION SYSTEM". It has extensive experience in the implementation of EU-funded projects, including large-scale national projects funded by the European Social Fund, Erasmus+, EaSI, etc. supporting the implementation of VET policies in Slovakia. He supports and develops the talent of young people in national and international competitions and runs the SLOVAK CENTRE FOR TRAINING COMPANIES (SCCF) as part of the international network of training companies PEN WORLDWIDE.

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